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Multi-Technology Readers

Reader Technologies

Multi-Technology Readers




How does it work?


The proximity technology reader constantly transmits a low-level 13.5mHz signal and an 125kHz that energizes the correct card.

When a 125kHz card is held at a certain distance from the reader, the signal is absorbed by a small coil inside the card and powers up the card's microchip, which contains a unique identification code. Once powered, the card transmits the code to the reader. The whole process is completed in microseconds.

When a 13.5mHz Smartcard is presented at a reader, the CSN infomration is sent to the reader and after further verification of the card’s authenticity  the reader will send the information to the controller. The process is completed in microseconds.





What is the CSN?


The CSN of a smart card is the Card Serial Number. This number is unique on every smartcard and is virtually unduplicatable.





Benefits :

  • No moving parts.
  • No mechanical wear.
  • No slots or read heads to maintain.
  • Virtually un-copyable
  • The P345MTR can read:
    • Standard IoProx cards
    • Standard HID cards
    • Mifare cards (CSN only)
    • HID Iclass cards (CSN only)
