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State of the art Web tool that allows for card management, manual operations, webviews and report request  from a remote location . The EntraPass WebStation is ideal to provide day to day operations to operators without the need to deploy a full EntraPass workstation.


  • Can be accessed from any computer on the network or over the Internet
  • No need to install any software on the computers.
  • Easily Customizable to suit your company’s look.
  • Easy, simple and secure to use


  • EntraPass v4.03 and above
  • EntraPass WebStation option code.
  • Microsoft IIS server 5 and above

With the EntraPass Corporate Edition you can have up to 3 WebStation concurrent login.

For a live WebStation demo:

Go to: https://demo.kantech.com

Username: kantech1

Password: kantech1

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